Why does love have to be so complicated, you give a person everything imaginable and then where are you? You become lost, you've lost yourself completely in another person. See the thing with love is it's most likely never equal one person always hold all of the cards leaving the other person weak and hopelessly in love and in the end all alone. I have been studying a lot about the law of impermanence which states.... that that which arises most also subside. Meaning you have these feelings about someone or something and one day you find yourself not feeling anything, the feelings have some how disappeared. Nothing in this world ever remains the same not even love. Love is the most beautiful thing once it is evenly reciprocated but if it isn't it can be hell on earth. I was in love once, deeply, and I can't really imagine myself falling again though I am willing to give it a chance. But at times I want to scream!
I said that I'd be honest in my blogs....well here you have it.