Thursday, September 24, 2009

About Me Questionaire.

1- Get the closest book, go to page 18 and write the 4th line down.
'Influence' By The Olsen Twins
Pg 18, 4th line: "You have to control yourself"

2- What’s the last thing you’ve watched on TV ?
House Wives of Atlanta.

3- Without checking, guess what time it is ?
11:22 Pm
4- Check, it is…
11:11 Pm

5- Outside of the computer noise, what do you hear ?
The ceiling fan.

6- When you got out the last time, what did you do ?
The normal, make money.

7- What are you wearing ?
A bathrobe, a bra, and some silly one piece pulled down to my waist.

8- Before answering this questionnaire, what were you watching ?
The September Issue, focusing on Vogue and Anna Wintour my idol.

9- Did you dream last night ?
Probably so, but I can't quite remember.

10- When is the last time you laughed ?
When I was on IChat with my friend Ashlee, and she made fun of the weird and unattractive facial expressions I made as I told her a story.

11- What is on the walls of the room you’re in ?
White paint.

12- Did you see something strange today ?
Yes, this one guy bothers me everyday a few times a day, but he always says I'm pretty so I give him a pass.

13- What do you think of this questionnaire ?
It helps my readers to get a better insight on myself so I love it.

14- What’s the last movie you watched ?
500 days of summer, I loved it.

15- Should you be multimillionnaire, what’s the first thing you would buy ?
A G-Wagon

16- Tell us something about you we don’t already know :
I'm shy and for some strange reason I love being alone at times, I suppose eventually I will let other people into my world.

17- If you could change something in the world outside of culpability and politics, what would you change ?

18- Do you like to dance ?
In my mirror yes.

19- George Bush ?
Old news.

20- What would be your daughter’s name ?

21- And your son’s ?
Don't know yet.

22- Did you ever think of living abroad ?
Yes, Paris.

23- What would you want God to tell you when you’ll go through heaven’s gates ?
I'm over joyed, you've overcome the world.

24- Who are the 4 next victims for this questionnaire ?
Whoever so wishes.