Monday, September 14, 2009


What I’ve realized is you can’t change the fate of things. Our fate was set, its proven; we can never be lovers, we have tried and each time we ended up in the same place. We can’t even be friends we have tried that as well only to come to disagreements which ended in blow ups. But I guess one thing we can be is cordial and leave it at that. Hey. Bye. I hope you’re doing well. Are u ok? Do u need anything? Things of that nature and that’s it. However, maybe our fate is against that as well. But the most important thing that I have learned from you and I is, when fate is set there is nothing I mean absolutely nothing we can do about it. I suppose we can cherish our moments both good and bad and go our separate ways down the road of life, because not everyone u meet is meant to stay and maybe just maybe there were signs from the first day we met, telling us that we don’t fit and if we would have listened we couldve saved time.